List System Store Procedures:

Category Type Syntax Description
Catalog sp_column_privileges
Catalog sp_special_columns
Catalog sp_columns
Catalog sp_sproc_columns
Catalog sp_databases
Catalog sp_statistics
Catalog sp_fkeys
Catalog sp_stored_procedures
Catalog sp_pkeys
Catalog sp_table_privileges
Catalog sp_server_info
Catalog sp_tables
Database Engine sp_executesql
Database Engine sp_addmessage
Database Engine sp_help [ [ @objname = ] 'name' ] Reports information about a database object (any object listed in the sys.sysobjects compatibility view), a user-defined data type, or a data type supplied by SQL Server 2005
Database Engine sp_helpdb [ [ @dbname= ] 'name' ] Reports information about a specified database or all databases
Database Engine sp_addtype
Database Engine sp_helpconstraint
Database Engine sp_attach_db [ @dbname= ] 'dbname' , [ @filename1= ] 'filename_n' [ ,...16 ] Attaches a database to a server
Database Engine sp_helpfile
Database Engine sp_helpextendedproc
Database Engine sp_helpindex [ @objname = ] 'name' Reports information about the indexes on a table or view.
Database Engine sp_helplanguage
Database Engine sp_helpserver [ [ @server = ] 'server' ] [ , [ @optname = ] 'option' ] [ , [ @show_topology = ] 'show_topology' ] Reports information about a particular remote or replication server, or about all servers of both types. Provides the server name, the network name of the server, the replication status of the server, the identification number of the server, and the collation name. Also provides time-out values for connecting to, or queries against, linked servers.
Database Engine sp_helpsort
Database Engine sp_configure [ [ @configname = ] 'option_name' [ , [ @configvalue = ] 'value' ] ] Displays or changes global configuration settings for the current server
Database Engine sp_helpstats[ @objname = ] 'object_name' [ , [ @results = ] 'value' ] Returns statistics information about columns and indexes on the specified table.
Database Engine sp_helptext
Database Engine sp_control_plan_guide
Database Engine sp_create_plan_guide
Database Engine sp_helptrigger
Database Engine sp_indexoption
Database Engine sp_createstats
Database Engine sp_lock [ [ @spid1 = ] 'session ID1' ] [ , [@spid2 = ] 'session ID2' ][ ; ] Reports information about locks.
Database Engine sp_monitor Displays statistics about Microsoft SQL Server.
Database Engine sp_datatype_info
Database Engine sp_dbcmptlevel
Database Engine sp_recompile
Database Engine sp_refreshsqlmodule
Database Engine sp_db_vardecimal_storage_format
Database Engine sp_procoption
Database Engine sp_refreshview
Database Engine sp_releaseapplock
Database Engine sp_rename [ @objname = ] 'object_name' , [ @newname = ] 'new_name' [ , [ @objtype = ] 'object_type' ] Changes the name of a user-created object in the current database. This object can be a table, index, column, alias data type, or Microsoft .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) user-defined type.
Database Engine sp_renamedb [ @dbname = ] 'old_name' , [ @newname = ] 'new_name' Changes the name of a database.
Database Engine sp_resetstatus
Database Engine sp_serveroption [@server = ] 'server',[@optname = ] 'option_name',[@optvalue = ] 'option_value' ; Sets server options for remote servers and linked servers
Database Engine sp_setnetname
Database Engine sp_dboption [ [ @dbname = ] 'database' ][ , [ @optname = ] 'option_name' ][ , [ @optvalue = ] 'value' ][;] Displays or changes database options. Do not use sp_dboption to modify options on either the master database or the tempdb database.
Database Engine sp_settriggerorder
Database Engine sp_dbremove [ @dbname = ] 'database' [ , [ @dropdev = ] 'dropdev' ] Removes a database and all files associated with that database.
Database Engine sp_spaceused [[ @objname = ] 'objname' ][,[ @updateusage = ] 'updateusage' ] Displays the number of rows, disk space reserved, and disk space used by a table, indexed view, or SQL Server 2005 Service Broker queue in the current database, or displays the disk space reserved and used by the whole database
Database Engine sp_delete_backuphistory
Database Engine sp_tableoption [ @TableNamePattern = ] 'table', [ @OptionName = ] 'option_name', [ @OptionValue = ] 'value' Sets option values for user-defined tables. sp_tableoption can be used to control the in-row behavior of tables with varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, text, ntext, or image columns
Database Engine sp_depends [ @objname = ] '[ database_name.[schema_name].|schema_name.object_name' Displays information about database object dependencies, such as: the views and procedures that depend on a table or view, and the tables and views that are depended on by the view or procedure. References to objects outside the current database are not reported
Database Engine sp_detach_db [ @dbname= ] 'database_name' [ , [ @skipchecks= ] 'skipchecks' ] [ , [ @keepfulltextindexfile = ] 'KeepFulltextIndexFile' ] Detaches a database that is currently not in use from a server instance and, optionally, runs UPDATE STATISTICS on all tables before detaching
Database Engine sp_updateextendedproperty
Database Engine sp_updatestats
Database Engine sp_validname
Database Engine sp_dropmessage
Database Engine sp_who [ [ @loginame = ] 'login' session ID
Database Engine sp_droptype
Database Maintenance Plan sp_add_maintenance_plan
Database Maintenance Plan sp_add_maintenance_plan_db
Database Maintenance Plan sp_add_maintenance_plan_job
Database Maintenance Plan sp_delete_maintenance_plan
Database Maintenance Plan sp_delete_maintenance_plan_db
Database Maintenance Plan sp_delete_maintenance_plan_job
Database Maintenance Plan sp_help_maintenance_plan [ [ @plan_id = ] 'plan_id' ] Returns information about the specified maintenance plan. If a plan is not specified, this stored procedure returns information about all maintenance plans
General Extended xp_cmdshell { 'command_string' } [ , no_output ] Spawns a Windows command shell and passes in a string for execution. Any output is returned as rows of text
General Extended xp_enumgroups
General Extended xp_findnextmsg
General Extended xp_grantlogin
General Extended xp_logevent { error_number , 'message' } [ , 'severity' ] Logs a user-defined message in the SQL Server log file and in the Windows Event Viewer. xp_logevent can be used to send an alert without sending a message to the client.
General Extended xp_loginconfig ['config_name'] Reports the login security configuration of an instance of SQL Server when it running on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows 2000
General Extended xp_sqlmaint 'switch_string' Calls the sqlmaint utility with a string that contains sqlmaint switches. The sqlmaint utility performs a set of maintenance operations on one or more databases
General Extended xp_logininfo [ [ @acctname = ] 'account_name' ] [ , [ @option = ] 'all' 'members' ] [ , [ @privilege = ] variable_name OUTPUT]
General Extended xp_msver [ optname ] Returns version information about Microsoft SQL Server. xp_msver also returns information about the actual build number of the server and information about the server environment. The information that xp_msver returns can be used within Transact-SQL statements, batches, stored procedures, and so on, to enhance logic for platform-independent code
General Extended xp_revokelogin
General Extended xp_sprintf { string OUTPUT , format } [ , argument [ ,...n ] ] Formats and stores a series of characters and values in the string output parameter. Each format argument is replaced with the corresponding argument
General Extended xp_sscanf
Security sp_addalias
Security sp_addapprole
Security sp_addgroup
Security sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
Security sp_addlogin
Security sp_addremotelogin
Security sp_addrole
Security sp_addrolemember
Security sp_addserver
Security sp_addsrvrolemember
Security sp_adduser
Security sp_approlepassword
Security sp_changedbowner
Security sp_changegroup
Security sp_changeobjectowner
Security sp_change_users_login [ @Action = ] 'action' [ , [ @UserNamePattern = ] 'user' ] [ , [ @LoginName = ] 'login' ] [ , [ @Password = ] 'password' ] Maps an existing database user to a SQL Server login.
Security sp_dbfixedrolepermission
Security sp_defaultdb
Security sp_defaultlanguage
Security sp_denylogin
Security sp_dropalias
Security sp_dropapprole
Security sp_dropgroup
Security sp_droplinkedsrvlogin
Security sp_droplogin
Security sp_dropremotelogin
Security sp_droprolemember
Security sp_dropserver
Security sp_dropsrvrolemember
Security sp_dropuser
Security sp_grantdbaccess
Security sp_grantlogin
Security sp_helpdbfixedrole
Security sp_helpgroup
Security sp_helplinkedsrvlogin
Security sp_helplogins [ [ @LoginNamePattern = ] 'login' ] Provides information about logins and the users associated with them in each database.
Security sp_helpntgroup
Security sp_helpremotelogin
Security sp_helprole
Security sp_helprolemember
Security sp_helprotect
Security sp_helpsrvrole
Security sp_helpsrvrolemember
Security sp_helpuser
Security sp_MShasdbaccess
Security sp_password
Security sp_remoteoption
Security sp_revokedbaccess
Security sp_revokelogin
Security sp_setapprole
Security sp_srvrolepermission (Transact-SQL)
Security sp_validatelogins
SQL Server Agent
Active Directory
Active Directory
Cursor sp_cursor_list
Cursor sp_describe_cursor
Cursor sp_describe_cursor_columns
Cursor sp_describe_cursor_tables
Database Mail and SQL Mail
Distributed Queries
Full-Text Search
Log Shipping
Notification Services NSAdministrationHistory
Notification Services NSSnapshotApplications
Notification Services NSSnapshotDeliveryChannels
Notification Services NSSnapshotEvents
Notification Services NSSnapshotProviders
Notification Services NSSnapshotSubscriptions
Notification Services NSVacuum
OLE Automation sp_OACreate
OLE Automation sp_OADestroy
OLE Automation sp_OAGetErrorInfo
OLE Automation sp_OAGetProperty
OLE Automation sp_OAMethod
OLE Automation sp_OASetProperty
OLE Automation sp_OAStop
OLE Automation Object Hierarchy Syntax (Transact-SQL)
SQL Server Profiler sp_trace_create
SQL Server Profiler sp_trace_generateevent
SQL Server Profiler sp_trace_setevent
SQL Server Profiler sp_trace_setfilter
SQL Server Profiler sp_trace_setstatus
SQL Server Agent
Web Task sp_dropwebtask (Transact-SQL)
Web Task sp_makewebtask (Transact-SQL)
Web Task sp_enumcodepages (Transact-SQL)
Web Task sp_runwebtask (Transact-SQL)
XML sp_xml_preparedocument
XML sp_xml_removedocument